A R I A D N E / / K A P S A L I

Video | My healing immersion diary (week 1)
Boy, have I got a treat for you today…
As you know, a few weeks ago I set an intention to go on a journey within, to understand myself on a deeper level and commit to my personal healing.
My guiding mantra became this::
I devote myself to healing. I honour my shadow.
I then went on to invite you to join me on this trip, knowing that we can support each other and help one another lean in and rise higher. A deep, heartfelt THANK YOU to those that got in touch with me and have joined in. Know I am here for you and will be cheering you on.
As part of the invitation came a promise to share my own experience of this journey. The thing is, a while ago, I set a personal challenge for myself to experiment with sharing over video on my blog. I’ve resisted this for a variety of reasons, because mainly it had not felt authentic – until now.
I decided to share the reflections of my journey so far over video because I felt it was the best way to pass on what I’ve uncovered. It simply feels right this time.
The past week turned out to be radically different than planned and my healing mantra took on a whole new meaning.
So behold, my first ever experimental video blog, shared vulnerably and whole heartedly with you…
My question to you, right now, is this:
How do you show up when life throws you (or the people close to you) a curve ball?
How can you adapt your actions to create a nourishing, sacred space within you to return to for some respite at those challenging times?
And finally, where can you show more compassion towards yourself?
Have a wonderful weekend and see you soon!
With love + gratitude,
P.S. Are you based in London?
Join me on the 9th January for a One Day Special New Year Retreat, crafted to help you start 2016 with real intention and clarity.
You can find out more and book your spot here.