A R I A D N E / / K A P S A L I

how blogging turned my world upside down
I started blogging just under a year ago. This website was born out of a desire to add value to my world in a way that is not restricted by my profession, my inner circle and my background. I wanted to have a space to share knowledge and inspiration and to connect with my people all over the world. I do not really know WHY I started blogging. When I’ve gone back to that moment when I realised I wanted to do this, it was early 2014 and I had just started building my yoga teaching business and perhaps I thought that blogging would help me put my message across more clearly. But looking back, I had no clue. Absolutely zero clue as to the immense transformational shift that it would create in my world. Looking back, I was just a yogi looking for an outlet.
The Universe, however, had bigger plans for me.
In the past 11 months, this is how blogging turned my world upside down::
- I was faced with FEAR. And I mean real, hide-under-the-covers fear. Fear that I was not good enough, that no one reads or nobody cares about what I have to say, that it’s all pointless.
- I FAILED, over and over again. Failed at meeting my expectations, meeting my deadlines, submitting my guest post on time, getting x number of followers.
- I was faced with REJECTION. Mainly internal rejection; occasionally from others when I asked for interviews or collaborations, but those did not hurt as much as rejection that came from within.
- I CRIED. A lot.
- I gained weight (because I ate a LOT of chocolate).
- I LOST my sense of security and conviction. I stopped believing in safe jobs, careers and promotions. I lost my sense of direction in life because I no longer wanted to follow my career path.
- I worked ALL THE TIME. Nights, days, lunch breaks, when I should have been sleeping, when I should have been eating, when I should have been calling people, when I should have been having sex.
- My friendships are completely changed.
- My marriage suffered (see point 8). We argued, we held grudges, we were silent.
- My HEALTH suffered (see point 5).
- I felt ENVY and suffered by comparison-itis.
- I was shaken, challenged, provoked and triggered.
- I was overtaken by DOUBT and a lack mindset.
- I became a procrastinating, social media addict.
- I lost my IDENTITY. I lost a part of me that was there since the beginning – that voice that knew how things worked and could to clearly carve a well-known and safe path for me to walk on.
Sounds horrific right?
Oh but my lovely, look what I’ve gained instead… (you know this was coming right?)
∇ Self awareness + insight. I got to know myself so deeply and intimately.
∇ Magic. I started writing. For real. Writing is one of the best forms of therapy and when you write consistently and then press publish, something magical happens.
∇ I claimed my power. I stopped relying on other people to get things going.
∇ My creative spark was lit and is now shining bright.
∇ I am carving my own path – in my business, my life, my dreams.
∇ I know I have to work with uncertainty and resistance is part of the equation. Resistance shows up when I’m hitting the nail on the head. The bigger the resistance, the bigger the reward on the other side (credit to my mentor Rachel MacDonald – see below where I praise the hell out of this woman.)
∇ I know now what I am looking for in my relationships with others and I actively reach out to create it.
∇ I have made incredible, soulful connections with the most amazing women. Connections that are built around trust, passion, and mutual awe of each other.
∇ I know what it takes to put myself out there and fail miserably.
∇ And I know I can survive it. (hint – nothing really happens…)
∇ I have met my biggest enemy and harshest critic and I’m learning to take care of her and keep her on my side (yep, it’s me).
∇ I know what my soul, my body and my head need to be balanced and nourished.
∇ And I know I need to balance my routine-repulsion with my need for consistency.
∇ I am working on creating a mindset that supports my soul purpose, because when you have that, well, that’s it.
∇ I have met INSPIRATION, FREEDOM and CREATIVITY and I plan on keeping them around.
∇ I have seen what clarity and inspired action can achieve.
∇ I have come to know my spiritual side more than ever before.
∇ I get to do amazing work, with beautiful people who excite me, lift me higher and help me evolve.
What this means practically::
// I am blogging consistently and with a clear vision.
// I am teaching + creating workshops, retreats and events and will continue to do so.
// I am building my life coaching business behind-the-scenes (stay tuned).
// I am orchestrating a move out of the UK (stay tuned).
// I am making life choices based on my values and building my own reality bit by bit.
// I am allowing myself to be guided by my intuition more and more.
// I am learning to surrender and let go of my need to control everything (work in progress).
// I am planning collaborations with the most awesome of like-minded entrepreneurs.
// I invest in myself and what is important, allowing priorities to shift.
// I am learning to be myself.
// I am providing value in my own, unique way.
I get to share my light and I am so grateful.
I bet you’re wondering why the hell I’m telling you all this? Well hear me out.
The incredible 8-week Bright-Eyed & Bloghearted e-course is now open for enrolments!!!!!!!! I started blogging almost a year ago, and signed up for the course just before my wedding (talk about timing…) It is no exaggeration when I say that this course simply changed my life. Why? Because it not only taught me the practical side of blogging, but it also connected me with my voice, who I am writing to, how I want to show up in my life and my business. It completely changed my view of online presence. It took me from amateur wannabe blogger, to forging my own path with passion, excitement and a whole load of trust!
I credit Bright-Eyed & Bloghearted for the huge leaps I have taken in my life and business over the past 12 months and I am eternally grateful to my intuition last summer that led me to Rachel MacDonald and her soul-driven and purpose-filled course! Rachel is the most generous, heart-centred human being you will ever meet and she has created a beautiful safe space where hundreds of like-minded women gather to learn, connect and inspire each other. I have honestly never been part of a more vibrant, loving community; I visit the Facebook group pretty much on a daily basis, even now, months after I completed the course.
I have been shouting from rooftops about this course because it has literally caused tremendous shifts in my life (see above) and I am so excited that Round 3 is finally here!!! You get life-time access to the course and I cannot wait to dive into the modules again this year.
// Gives blogging know-how rooted in real-life experience
// Connection, clarity and unparalleled support.
// It is jam-packed with wisdom on transitioning from blog to biz
This program isn’t SOLELY about blogging. There’s a plethora of information that speaks to money-making/ marketing/ product creation/ online business, AND… the all-important ‘life stuff’ (because if we’re feeling stuck, or in fear-mode, or comparing — the inspiration to share our message authentically tends to take a big hit). That ‘spirit support’ is invaluable.
I am beyond thrilled to immerse myself back into this AND Rachel has added new content this year! Double yay!
I am a loud+proud affiliate for the course and for new members who sign up through me I am offering my brand new Clarity Coaching Package entirely for FREE!
This is a 1-month coaching package to help you hone in on your purpose, define your priorities and set some crystal-clear actions to propel you forward into your vision. And yes, you get it totally for free.
:: What is included ::
-> Pre-session clarity questionnaire to get focused + get the most out of your session
-> 90 minute coaching session (+ recording) over Skype tailored to your needs
-> Follow-on summary email with key points and actions from our session
-> 30 minute follow-up session over Skype 4 weeks later
-> Unlimited email support for the month
Clarity Sessions are perfect for you if you feel stuck, confused or overwhelmed and want a focused approach to moving forward. Perhaps you know what you want, but need the expert push to support you in creating your own path. Or you may even see the path and want to hone in on how to clear the blockages that keep you stuck. Either way, I’m here to lovingly help you get CLEAR.
In order to take advantage of this special offer you need to make sure that you sign up for Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted through my link here (or you can copy + paste this on your browser http://bit.ly/1IzoXcg)
This will direct you to the Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted Sales page where you can sign up. When you use this link, Rachel will be able to track that you came through me and she will let me know once your booking is confirmed, so you get your Clarity Coaching Bonus.
* Please, please make sure this is the last link you press on your browser before you buy the course. I would hate for you to miss out on the Clarity Session Bonus, so do what you have to do (like clear cookies and close other websites) before you click on my link.
Got questions? Pop me an email and I’ll be happy to answer your questions about the course and my bonus offer!
** Full transparency: As an affiliate for Bright-Eyed and Blog-Hearted, I get a kick-back for each person that signs up through me, which is why and how I am able to offer you my Clarity Coaching Package for free. Please know that I only share services and courses that I have used and value myself. You know this, as I am going through the course again with you.