A R I A D N E / / K A P S A L I

My blog baby turns 1 (+ a Giveaway)
It’s my blog’s birthday this month! This space turns 1, can you believe it? It was one year ago I pressed publish on my first ever blog post, heart pounding, hands trembling. One year ago I launched Yoga & other stories to talk about my journey into all things yoga, wellbeing and self love. One year ago I bravely stepped into my own vulnerability and cautiously entered the blogging world.
I cannot believe it has only been one year. I feel these 12 months flew by, yet when I go backwards and trace my steps, I am in awe of how much has shifted over the past 365 days.
To celebrate, I will do something I never do – I will talk about the things that I have succeeded in! My achievements, my gains, my triumphs. I will pat myself on the back, give myself a giant HIGH 5, the thumbs up, whatever it takes. Whatever it takes to really celebrate! Because the past 12 months have been truly incredible in every sense of the word and I feel pulled to pause and allow space to reflect on the huge changes that have occurred. The past year has been transformational and I trace the beginning of this part of my journey to the day I made the decision to start a blog.
:: I created, designed and set up my whole website and blog ALL ON MY OWN. Yes I did. I put in the countless hours, sweat and frustration to figure out the intricate details of how to create a box here, how to draw a pink line there, how to link my social media accounts and so on. Although I am now gearing towards an update, I could not be happier to have invested in getting to know my blog in this way. I feel this is 100% my creation and having been through this process I feel connected to my blog in a unique and intimate way.
:: I have written 48 blog posts on yoga, meditation, fear, ego, intuition, relationships, being a yoga teacher, wellness, travel and more.
:: I created a guided Bliss meditation and decided to give it out to everyone, for free. You can download your copy here.
:: I kicked of My Yoga Story – An inspiration interview series, which aims to share the yoga journey of different people around the globe. I have been incredibly lucky to have interviewed 6 amazing women including Carly Jennings, Nichola Veitch, Lyndsey Eden, Elizabeth Kelsey Bradley and Vienda Maria and have some very special interviews lined up for you over the next few months.
:: I have collaborated with some incredibly inspirational people out there, with exciting projects coming up over the next few months.
:: I set up and started running my one of a kind Mini Bliss Retreats in London, U.K. I love them and have learned so much from the whole process.
:: I signed up for + completed (mostly) Bright-Eyed & Blog-Hearted; the best decision for my blog and my life in the past 12 months.
:: I was featured in 8 other blogs and publications including Savouring Simplicity, Wild & Good, Ruth Quick Nutrition and Sarah Jensen.
:: I have worked with a life coach, a business coach and a wellness coach in the past 12 months to find clarity in what I am looking for in my life and work and boost my health. I now not only have the confidence and conviction to put myself out there, but I also have the focus and accountability I needed around what I need to do to get me to my destination.
:: Most importantly however, I have made huge internal shifts and transformations through the process of setting up a blog and writing on a weekly basis.
And now the BIG NEWS for you::
In order to celebrate with you I AM DOING AN EPIC GIVEAWAY for this month!!!! Ever wanted to work with me? Well, now is the time!
There are 3 awesome prizes and everyone who takes part will get a bonus guided meditation for free.
Check it out now + share with your friends for extra karma point!
With extra BIG HUGE love + gratitude from me this month!