A R I A D N E / / K A P S A L I

Yoga posture of the month: High Lunge Twist
Welcome to January!
This is such a blissful twist and one I practice pretty much every time I get on my mat at home. The open arms and chest encourage breath to flow and the strong legs remind you to keep stable. Twists are great for massaging internal organs, stimulating digestion and lifting mood.
How to get into High Lunge Twist::
Make sure you have warmed your body up before going into the pose and ensure you only practice postures that are safe for your body.
- Begin in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog).
- As you inhale, raise your right leg and stretch it behind you, keeping it strong and parallel to the ground.
- As you exhale, bend the knee and bring the leg forward in between your hands. Place your right foot flat on the ground between your hands.
- Have a look at your feet and ensure they are hip-distance apart – this will help you balance.
- Keep your left hand on the floor directly under your shoulder and bring your right hand to your right hip.
- Keep your legs strong, pressing into the front foot, ensuring the right knee is stacked above your ankle (and not shooting forward any further).
- As you inhale, twist your belly and torso to the right.
- When you are ready reach your right arm towards the sky, keeping the hand active.
- Your right hip and knee will want to pop to the side, so energetically hug your hips towards each other, keeping your belly engaged and keep your knee in line with your second toe.
- Draw your shoulderblades towards the spine, creating space in the neck and shoulders.
- Press into the left hand to open the chest to the right, keeping the hips as stable as possible.
- With time, as you breathe and if comfortable for the neck, look towards your top hand.
- When you are ready to come out, using your exhale release your top hand to the floor framing your foot. Step back with your right leg into Adho Mukha Svanasana and take a few breaths before you practice the other side.
Beginner tip: For a gentler practice, you can place your back knee down, but if you do be mindful of the position of your hips and don’t allow your pelvis to come down very low to protect your groins. This variation can be a strong stretch for the muscles at the front of the leg that is on the floor.
My clever tip: I sometimes start by coming on the finger tips (rather than having the whole palm down). I find this gives me space for a fuller twist and makes me use upper body strength, rather than collapsing on the bottom arm. You can then lower down when you are already in the twist.
Caution: Do not practice this twist if you are pregnant. If you have a back injury only practice under the supervision of a qualified yoga teacher.
Strengthens the back and leg muscles.
Activates the gluteus muscles (and who does not need more of that?!)
Stimulates the abdominals and internal organs, aiding digestion.
Relieves tension.
Stretches muscles in the front body, including the thigh muscles and psoas.
Improves balance and concentration.
Why I love it::
I find it is an empowering twist.
It opens the heart and creates fluidity in my practice.
It reminds me of the importance of having a strong, stable foundation (legs and hips).
I feel it has a detoxifying effect, helping me to squeeze out those toxins.
++ Over to you. Have a go at the High Lunge Twist and share how you found it in the comments below.
What’s your favourite twist?
What do you love about twists?
How do they make you feel?
Can’t wait to get you all twisted!
Much love + gratitude xx